GALaQSci at the Quantum Tuesday at the Deutsches Museum, Munich

On 29 October 2024, we presented our project GALaQSci at the Quantum Tuesday [German] at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. As part of the Quantum aktiv project Quanten(t)räume [German], this takes place every Tuesday in the Science Communication Lab and offers a public space for exchange on various topics in the field of quantum science.

After a short general introduction to the topic of quantum physics and an explanation of the most important terms such as “superposition” and “entanglement”, Caroline Wehrmann, one of our physics didacticians, gave a short talk on the principle of quantum games and presented both the vision and the current status of our game resQ. Afterwards, visitors had the opportunity to talk to us and try out a test version on several laptops that we provided in the Science Communication Lab.