
The game is still in development and is not yet available in the App Store. The name was recently changed from resQ to Qookies.
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Screenshot from the game resQ: A green laser beam shines through the room.

Your journey through the world of quantum science begins in a research laboratory.

Icon of the non-player character (NPC) from the game resQ to indicate who is speaking.

“Hey, how did you get in here? Well, it’s good that you’re here anyway! Something terrible has happened!
… I think. An experiment went wrong and now I can’t remember anything. We have to find out what happened quickly to prevent further disasters. Come on, come on!”

Throughout the game, you will be accompanied by a quantum scientist as an NPC (non-player character) with whom you can chat and interact.

You are in a room in the quantum lab with Prof. Unknown, an AI-based NPC. He says: "The door is locked! Maybe we need to activate the detector. But how?".
Screenshot from the game Qookies: In the various rooms of the quantum laboratory, you solve different puzzles to progress. An AI-based companion is at your side as an NPC – individually adapted to you.

The NPC is based on artificial intelligence (AI) and answers your questions individually. The quantum scientist is not only a help, but mainly an ally.


Qookies is a point & click adventure in which everything revolves around quantum experiments and technology. Solve the puzzles that await you in each level and find out what really happened there.

Example riddle showing a Bloch sphere with given Teta-angle and one where Teta is missing.
Screenshot from the game Qookies: this example puzzle is about Bloch spheres, a way to better visualize qubits.
You are in a room in the quantum laboratory together with Prof. Unknown. The puzzle has been solved and the door opens.
Screenshot from the game Qookies: once you have solved a level, you open up new rooms with even more puzzles.