Quantum technologies have an ever-increasing social and industrial potential. It is therefore important to involve the general public and thus pave the way for a successful quantum ecosystem. In the GALaQSci project, we want to use a smartphone game to introduce children and teenagers in particular, but also anyone else who is interested, to the exciting world of quantum science.

In addition to fundamental knowledge, we focus on the three main topics of the Quantum Competence Frameswork: quantum sensing, quantum computing, and quantum communication.

Playful learning on the smathphone
The aim of the GALaQSci project is to develop and deliver a free smartphone game that reaches as many people as possible in a simple way and makes it as easy to get started.
In the point-and-click adventure game resQ, players learn and apply the concepts of quantum science by solving puzzles. Without any prior knowledge of physics or mathematics, anyone can playfully explore quantum technologies and build up a basic knowledge in this area.
The game is suitable both for introducing the realm of quantum science and technologies and for deepening existing knowledge. It is aimed at pupils, students and teachers, as well as the general public.

Personalization through artificial inteligence
The use of artificial intelligence (AI), which can be interacted with in the form of a non-player character (NPC), makes the game an individual experience. Together with this companion, the player will gradually get to know the world of quantum science.
Questions can be answered on demand and personalised, and help can be integrated individually into the flow of the game. By adapting the game to the knowledge level of the players, the game remains exciting for different age groups.
However, since the AI doesn’t know the answers to the puzzles either, players learn not only about quantum physics, but also about AI and its strengths and weaknesses.
Augmented Reality

After the development of the game itself, a possible addition of augmented reality (AR) is to be integrated. Especially in the levels with real quantum technology experiments, this addition can make the experience and replay of these experiments even more understandable and memorable. Additional materials with QR codes for the AR functions will be used for this purpose.
To ensure accessibility for everyone, these materials will be made available as 3D printing templates or paper folding plans. This addition offers exciting opportunities for schools, museums and scientific institutions in particular.
Learning impact research
In order to check how well the learning content is actually absorbed and understood, we are conducting learning impact studies. A total of three studies are planned for the duration of the GALaQSci project, the results of which will be analysed and published in open access journals.
In our studies, we collect different types of data to investigate both the learning effect and the best use of the AI-NPC as a game companion. A direct measure of learning is obtained through questionnaires completed before and after playing the game. Eye-tracking data was recorded during gameplay and then analysed by us. This provides information on cognitive load and learning gains. Of course, we also use this opportunity for general feedback, e.g. on comprehension, content, design and the players’ experience of the game.
We conducted our first study in summer 2024 and are now in the process of publishing it.

Quantum technologies – two generations

The beginnings of quantum physics date back to 1900 and began with the discovery of the smallest quantifiable amounts of energy in the form of particles of light called photons. Since then, various quantum technologies have found their way into our daily lives. We are not talking about quantum computers here, but about so-called first-generation quantum technologies that exploit fundamental quantum phenomena. One of the most important inventions based on quantum physics is LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). Certain light-emitting diodes used in displays, atomic clocks and the associated GPS navigation, or medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are also first-generation quantum technologies.
Second generation quantum technologies, which include quantum computers, quantum sensors and quantum cryptography, involve the deliberate creation, entanglement and manipulation of quanta. In this way it is possible to “calculate” with quanta. For quantum computers, this means replacing classical bits with qubits (quantum bits). In quantum sensors, quantum physical systems react very sensitively to the smallest differences in their environment, and in quantum communication they are used, for example, for encryption, meaning the secure exchange of data.
Second-generation quantum technologies in particular have an ever-growing social and industrial potential. In order to exploit this potential, it is essential to make this complex and abstract subject accessible to the general public. This is where the GALaQSci project comes in, by introducing the general public and young people to the basics of quantum phenomena in a playful way, and by presenting various quantum technologies of both generations.

Current status
Since November 2023, we have been working hard to develop an exciting game that awakes interest and conveys an understanding of quantum technologies. So far, we have already been developed a prototype and conducted our first study, the results of which are currently being analyzed and will subsequently be published.